On New Years Day I always reflect on everything that happened the previous year. As always, there were many ups and downs and life changes that happened over the course of the year. The one common denominator that makes me feel so blessed is that my family and I are healthy.
I am constantly researching ways to maintain our health and/or limit things that can negatively affect health in one way or another.
I have gathered a list of 12 ways to maintain your health this year and try to limit negative factors that can harm your health.
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The list mom is NOT a doctor, nutritionist or registered dietitian. For more information, click here.
To see the 12 things you can do to maintain your health, see the list at the end of the blog!
1. Limit Harmful Radiation
Now-a-days everything is electronic. Our homes are dominated by electronic devices that attempt to make our lives easier and more convenient. Microwaves, computers, blue tooth devices, smart meters, baby monitors, electric fireplaces and wireless routers to name a few. A lot of people also own and use smart watches which are attached to our body approximately 24 hours a day.
Every one of my rooms has electronic devices in some capacity or another. The issue is that all of these electronic devices emit radiation in one form or another. Now, the amount of radiation is said to be non-ionizing and therefore not harmful, but it is still a good idea to understand how much radiation is flowing through your home. This is not something to be alarmed about but more just educated on. Radiation is everywhere so there is really no way to avoid it, but if you are curious to see how much radiation is in your home, you can purchase this EMF meter to get an accurate reading that measures the electromagnetic fields and whether or not the frequencies are high or low.
2. Take Vitamins Every Day
I make it part of my daily morning routine to take my multi-vitamin, and everyone should do the same. It is a good idea to have an understanding of your body and be able to recognize your deficiencies. Then, identify which vitamins will help improve your overall health and well being. Feeling good about yourself and functioning at your current best are a start to improving your health and energy.
3. Drink Water Every Day
To understand how much water you should be drinking, take your body weight and divide it by 2. That is how many ounces of water you should be drinking in a day. Purchase a good water bottle to jump start your daily water intake.
4. Exercise At Least 30 Minutes a Day
I am sure this is well known by everyone but it is good to get your body up and moving around for at least 30 minutes a day. I make it a goal of mine to get a sweat in every day. This is my way of staying active and healthy.
5. Make Sure to Apply Sunscreen
Everyone wants a nice glow and personally I always feel better when I have a little bit of a tan. Aside from the obvious, (stay away from tanning beds) it’s a good idea to ALWAYS wear sunscreen and protect your skin to prevent skin damage. Applying sunscreen helps prevent skin cancer. Not to mention, sunscreen can also help protect against wrinkles as well :). Some moisturizers include spf, like this Bienfait Multi-Vital Sunscreen Lotion.
6. Try to Eat Organic When You Can
Not all foods are created equal. With that said however, there are certain foods where it does not matter if you purchase organic or not. It is a good idea to understand which foods matter when trying to make a decision on whether or not to purchase organic. This blog post does a good job of breaking down which foods you should purchase organic.
7. Try to Use “Clean” Beauty Products
When it comes to beauty products it is SO important that you know what you are using on your skin and scalp. There are SO many ingredients in beauty products that are harmful to your skin. Beauty counter is a FANTASTIC company that not only educates you on what harmful ingredients are put into the products you are purchasing, but they are also advocates for implementing stricter guidelines and rules for the personal care industry. They sell “clean” beauty care products so you know you are providing your skin, hair and body with clean products. if you are interested in seeing what they have to offer, check out beautycounter.com/staceynishimura.
8. Purchase a Planner
Every year I purchase a paper planner. Yes, paper. I do have a digital calendar but I cannot document the amount of detail that I can in a paper planner so yes, I have a planner. This planner is my absolute favorite planner. I added this to the list because part of staying healthy is minimizing stress and planning and organization do just that.
9. Spend Time Outdoors
It is so good for you to spend time outdoors. Nature is known to have calming effects on people. There is a reason people say, “go out and get some fresh air”. It is good for your mental and physical health. Get away from technology for a bit. Unplug and take a walk outside. It is so beneficial for your health. To see ways that help you get off your phone and be more present, check out my blog, 5 Ways to Spend Less Time on Your Phone and More Time With Your Kids.
10. Schedule Regular Doctor Appointments
If you read my January checklist, one of the items on there is to schedule all of your annual doctor appointments. Staying on top of your health and understanding your body are essential to maintaining your health.
11. Find Time For Meditation
This can mean something different for everyone, but the idea here is to set aside some time for yourself and just breathe. We live in a fast paced world and everyone, especially moms are busy. If you do not “stop and smell the roses,” life will simply pass you by. For me, saying a rosary or praying to loved ones who have passed is my way of meditating.
12. Check Out the Health and Wellness Section of My Blog
There is loads of information in this section and it will be continuously growing. Check out this section to learn more tips and tricks to staying healthy.
Make this year your best yet. Hit the reset button and start today. Starting a plan and making a list puts you one step closer to your goals!
Maintain your health and be the best mom you can be!
For a list of things you can do to maintain your health, see the list below!
1. Limit Harmful Radiation
2. Take Vitamins Every Day
3. Drink Water Every Day
4. Exercise At Least 30 Minutes a Day
5. Make Sure to Apply Sunscreen
6. Try to Eat Organic When You Can
7. Try to Use “Clean” Beauty Products
8. Purchase a Planner
9. Spend Time Outdoors
10. Schedule Regular Doctor Appointments
11. Find Time For Meditation
12. Check out the Health and Wellness Section of My Blog
For more lists on all things “mom,” subscribe to my blog!
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Ashley says
This is a fantastic list! I’m definitely going to work on my vitamins and exercise this year!
the list mom says
Thank you Ashley! Tomorrow is my day to start getting back to my normal schedule!