Planning a trip to Disney comes with a lot of preparation. Packing for this trip can be overwhelming, so I decided to create this Disney Packing List just for you! It’s everything you need, so put your worries aside.
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There are a lot of Disney packing lists out there. In this blog, I am going to provide you with the top 50 items that were “must haves” for my Disney packing list. I did a TON of research, and created a master list from all the other lists out there. I purchased everything off of my MASTER list and I can tell you I didn’t use a lot of the items people are saying you need. Some ideas were great, others were just not a necessity. This list below is everything you need. Don’t waste your money or room in your suitcase for any other items.
To see the items to add to your Disney Packing list, see the list at the end of the blog!
1. Ponchos
Bring Ponchos. They will cost next to nothing on Amazon but they are a fortune if you purchase them at the theme park. Even though it may not rain during your stay, they were great for the water rides that totally soak you. Also, the ones we didn’t use, we saved for a rainy day.
2. Autograph Books and Sharpies
This will be your child’s souvenir. There are so many Disney autograph books online that you can purchase but the thing is, most just have blank pages on the inside. I purchased these Disney Jr. Encyclopedias and packed them along with a sharpie and they were such a hit. It is something the kids will have forever. Each character and princess signed on their character page. So much cooler than signing a blank piece of paper.
They are a little heavy to tote around but so so worth it! You will also want to bring a sharpie and some peel and stick tabs. The peel and stick tabs were really handy when we went to Cinderella’s Royal Table to meet the princesses. There were so many princesses, so we were able to bookmark them nicely and were ready when they came to our table.
3. Compact External Charger
You will need this! Especially if you are using the app, My Disney Experience which most do. The app sucks the life out of your phone. You will NEED your phone for obvious reasons, so do yourself a favor and bring an extra travel charger for your phone. You are welcome.
4. Downy Wrinkle Releaser
I know this doesn’t sound like something you need, but if your clothes get wrinkled, it’s great to have this Downy Wrinkle Releaser spray for a quick fix.
5. Portable Fan
We used this portable fan a lot especially on days where there was no wind and it was very hot. It was definitely nice to have. It even sprays water too. 😊
6. Hand Sanitizer
They have these dispensers all around the park, but it was nice to have some hand sanitizer with all the public transit, rides and objects the kids were touching throughout the park (currently unavailable).
7. Hat
If you want to avoid sunburn on your head or keep the sun off your face, bring a hat.
8. Mini USB Power Strip
There are so many electronics that you will be bringing, IPADS, cameras, video camera and phones, just to name a few. There could be blow dryers, a coffee machine, iron and so many more things plugged in your hotel room. Bring a mini usb power strip so that you can plug in multiple things at once.
9. Pop Up Hamper
This… this is a necessity. There will be clothes EVERYWHERE. The pop up hampers are key because they are easy to pack and serve a great purpose. They will keep your room organized and clean.
10. Paperwork
This includes, Reservation Confirmations (Transportation, Hotel, Stroller, etc), Boarding Passes and Health Insurance cards. It’s a good idea to bring a folder with all of these documents.
11. Over The Door Shoe Organizer
This was great. Our room cost a fortune but was super small. I purchased an over the door shoe organizer and this housed SO much stuff that would have otherwise been all over the floor. Between gym shoes, water shoes/clogs, flip flops, dress shoes, etc. There were shoes on shoes on shoes in our hotel room and this shoe organizer was fantastic. You can also use this for other items, toiletries, snacks etc.
12. Umbrella
You never know the days that it is going to rain. It is always good to have an umbrella on hand.
13. USB Wall Charger
With cameras, phones and computers needing to be charged, you will need a USB wall charger. This and/or the mini power strip mentioned above work great. Get one or get both!
14. Magic Bands
Your magic bands will arrive before your stay. Make sure to bring them along. You will definitely need them!
15. Medicine and Supplements
You will want to pack pain medicine, motion sickness medicine, anti-itch cream, Tums, Midol, Allegra, Cough drops and Vitamins. Having medicine on hand for just about anything is not only convenient but it will save you a lot of money.
16. Computers and Chargers
After a long day at the park, it is good to have some screen time for the kids to decompress. Make sure you bring their tablets for the much needed down time and for the plane rides!
17. Zip Lock Bags/Plastic Bags
Bags are great to have on hand to carry snacks, garbage or anything else you might pack.
18. Collapsible Cooler
This collapsible cooler will be for the park. If you rent a stroller, they usually come with one or you can rent one also. These are great if you plan on bringing food to the park or water bottles without insulation.
19. Costumes
Most likely, you will have all or most of your dinners and character events booked before you leave. Make sure to pack those character and princess costumes so your kids can enjoy the fun in costume!
20. Sunglasses
This is a no brainer, but just don’t forget to pack them!
21. Stain Remover
With kids and food and all sorts of crazy, someone is bound to spill on something! Make sure you bring some stain remover and have it handy for all the accidents!
22. Glasses
Another item you will probably already know to bring, but just make sure not to forget them if you wear glasses or contacts!
23. Sun Screen/Aloe
I know this is already on most of your lists, but make sure you also pack Aloe. You can never tell how bad the sun is until you have sunburn. This can be painful and not fun, especially for kids. Pack some Aloe to soothe sunburn.
24. Cash
Make sure to bring dollar bills and other small bills for tips.
25. Snacks
We ordered these items from Instacart so they were delivered right to our hotel. Either way, make sure you have snacks. Chips, pretzels, crackers, granola bars, popcorn, bottled water, juice boxes and fruit snacks to name a few. It’s also a good idea to bring disposable cups, paper towels and napkins, spoons, knives and forks.
26. Wine Stopper and Bottle Opener
If you plan on winding down at the end of a long day with some wine or beer, make sure to pack a wine stopper and bottle opener. 😊
27. Light Up Shoes
These were a hit in Disney. All three of my kids had these light up shoes in different colors and they were great. I could always spot my kids because the shoes were so bright. Also, everyone was asking me where I got them from.
28. Glow Sticks and Necklaces
This is another cost saving tip. There will be a lot of things they will sell at the parks but if you grab a bunch from the dollar store, you will be glad you did. The kids don’t know the difference and they serve the same purpose. Plus, you will save a lot of money!
29. Stroller Identifier
This could be as simple as a bright ribbon. Don’t overthink this. There are so many strollers and they all look alike. Find something that will differentiate yours from the rest.
30. First Aid Kit
Just in case there is an accident, it is always good to be prepared.
31. Insect Repellent and Stroller Net
It can get very muggy in the early evenings. Make sure to bring insect repellent and a stroller net to rid away those bugs!
32. Bubbles
Bubbles are great for keeping the kids busy while waiting in the lines.
33. Swim Gear
Make sure you bring anything your kids would want in the water. This includes, goggles, pool toys, floaties, swim diapers and inner-tubes. It is always good to mix in some pool days, so make sure to bring some gear.
34. Umbrella Stroller
This was great for the airport and also walking to the pool. There will always be at least one child that is tired or lagging behind. Umbrella strollers are light weight, easy to pack and they were great for when we didn’t want to lug around the rental stroller.
35. Beach Bag
It may sound silly to bring an extra bag, but it’s easy to pack, doesn’t take up room and you will obviously be putting a bunch of pool stuff in it. This way, you don’t have to empty your park backpack on pool days.
36. Sound Machine
Our kids were little and it was nice to have white noise blocking out all other outside noise or hallway noise.
37. Thermoses
We brought thermoses instead of water bottles, again they are a little heavier but so worth it. The water stayed cold ALL DAY in those things, which was key.
38. Night Light
The rooms get pitch black at night and the bathroom light is too bright, so night lights worked great.
39. Crossbody Bag or Fanny Pack
Whatever you choose, you will want something that you can easily access items yet keep the items safe at the same time.
40. Camera And Battery Pack
Most people use their cell phones, but if you decide to bring a camera, don’t forget your battery pack!
41. Luggage Tags
This not only helps to easily identify your bags, but you should always have luggage tags in case your luggage gets lost.
42. Frogg Togg Chilly Pad
Another great item to purchase if you are going in super hot months. The Frogg Togg Chilly Pad is something that can also be used at home on hot days, so definitely not a waste.
43. Backpack
You can use the same backpack you bring on the plane, but you will want a backpack for your park bag.
44. Headphones
You will mostly use these on the plane, but also if all the kids are on their tablets at the same time, it’s good to bring headphones.
45. Deck of Cards
Once the kids fell asleep at 8pm, it was just my husband and me. We couldn’t turn on the TV while the kids were sleeping so a deck of cards to play some card games was the perfect way to spend our nights!
46. Lip Balm with SPF
The sun will dry out your lips. Just like sunscreen, its good to bring some lip balm with some SPF.
47. Books/Magazines
These are mostly for the plane and then down time at the end of the night. The kids are usually wiped by the early evening so just something to keep you occupied.
48. Disney Outfits and Pajamas
Okay, so not to offend anyone, but I am not your “Mickey” mom that buys the ears and dresses in Mickey gear the whole trip. No disrespect as I am friends with plenty of people who partake in this, but it just isn’t me. I did however, buy a couple of shirts for my trip and made sure my kids were totally decked out everyday because they really enjoyed that. I also made sure they had Disney pajamas. 😊
49. Toiletries
I am putting this on here, just so you have a complete list, but your toiletries will probably a list in itself, just like your clothes.
50. Clothes, Shoes, Pajamas and Undergarments
Again, just to provide a complete list. You will make sure you pack for all mornings, afternoons and nights. This includes, dressier outfits for nicer dinners. You will also want to pack a lot of shoes. We packed, clogs, gym shoes, flip flops and dress shoes.
This should be a good start and hopefully take away some stress! Check out my blog post, Follow These 8 Awesome Disney Trips Before Your Next Trip, for more Disney tips and tricks.
Have fun packing!!!
For a list of items needed for your Disney Packing list, see the list below!
- Ponchos
- Disney Jr. Encyclopedias
- Sharpies and post its
- Extra travel charger
- Downy Wrinkle Releaser spray
- Portable fan
- hand sanitizer
- Hat
- Mini USB power strip
- Pop up hampers
- Paperwork
- Over the door shoe organizer
- Umbrella
- USB wall charger
- Magic Bands
- Medicine and Supplements
- Computers and Chargers
- Zip lock bags/Plastic bags
- Collapsible cooler
- Costumes
- Sunglasses
- Stain Remover
- Glasses
- Sunscreen/Aloe
- Cash
- Snacks
- Wine Stopper and Bottle Opener
- Light up shoes
- Glow sticks/Necklaces
- Stroller Identifier
- First Aid Kit
- Insect Repellent and Stroller Net
- Bubbles
- Swim Gear
- Umbrella Stroller
- Beach Bag
- Sound Machine
- Thermoses
- Night Light
- Cross Body Bag or Fanny Pack
- Camera and Battery Pack
- Luggage Tags
- Frogg Togg Chilly Pad
- Backpack
- Headphones
- Deck of Cards
- Lip Balm with SPF
- Books and Magazines
- Disney Outfits and Pajamas
- Toiletries
- Clothes, Shoes, Pajamas and Undergarments
For more lists on all things “mom,” subscribe to my blog!
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This is the ULTIMATE list for Disney! Thank you!! I’m one of those people who likes to be prepared as possible- so this was extremely helpful.
I am happy you found this list helpful! Planning for a Disney trip is quite the undertaking, so hopefully this makes it a little easier 🙂