For every party I plan, I ask my kids what they want their birthday theme to be. This year, for my son’s 5th Birthday, he wanted to do a Lego Birthday Party. He is a wild and crazy 5 year old boy, but I swear if you put a bucket of Lego’s in front of him, he will just sit and build for hours. So, when he said Lego Party, I said yes!
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Get Your Lego Birthday Supplies Here!

The very first thing you need to do when planning any party, is figure out your guest list. Once you have a guest list, you need to determine where you are having the party, what time you want to have it, and the date it will be. Next, create the invitations! Once the invitations are sent out, it is time to start the fun part!
As with any party, no matter where it is, there are always common elements that need to be included. The main elements include; decorated party tables, a dessert table, favors, a happy birthday banner, balloons and of course, food and drink. To read more about how to plan the perfect party, check out my blog, 10 Steps To Planning The Perfect Party.
If you are having a party at a venue or restaurant, check out my blog, 11 Questions To Ask When Selecting A Venue.
For a list of things you need to purchase for your Lego Birthday Party, check out the list at the end of this blog!
The first thing you need to do is figure out how many people are coming and how many tables you need. Once you have that established you will need to purchase some table cloths. For this party, I went with themed tablecloths. The Dollar Tree actually has a Lego section for parties and carries Lego tablecloths. The Lego section is limited, but has some of the key things you need! If you don’t want to make the trip out, Amazon has these tablecloths you can use as well.
The next thing you want to order is dinner plates, napkins, utensils and cups. The Dollar Tree also had most of these items so I purchased those items here as well. Amazon has the plates and napkins, cups and utensils, but you will end up spending more money if you go this route.
The Dollar Tree did not have the Lego cups, so for this party so I just purchased colored ones because they went with the theme. Otherwise, I typically buy a themed package with plates, napkins and cups and then I just purchase the utensils at the Dollar Tree. I always lay out the plates, napkins, cups and utensil place settings because it helps add to the Décor.
Next, come the centerpieces! My Jam! For the Lego centerpieces, it was actually quite easy. I am one of those people who fit every meme out there on the amount of Amazon boxes that show up at my door. With this being said, I have boxes on boxes on boxes, which were perfect for my centerpieces. Out of all my boxes, I chose some large and some small. Actually, to be more specific, I chose 1 big and 2 small for each group of Lego centerpieces.
There are one of two ways you can cover the boxes, I chose to do wrapping paper, but believe it or not, it was relatively expensive and hard to find. I used this wrapping paper from Amazon, but each roll, just made it, wrapping one group of Legos (1 big and 2 small). I think the cheaper, better route would have been to go with the plastic tablecloths you can pick up from the Dollar Tree. They are super cheap and a little bit goes a long way.
The other thing I will mention with this is that I wish I hadn’t wrapped the boxes like a present and instead, taped the paper at the edges of the boxes. It would have made for a more cleaner look.
Once I wrapped all the colored boxes, it was time for the bowls. For this part, there are a few ways to do this. You can either choose bowls or plates. You can also choose which way you want the bowls and plates. Again, in hindsight here I wish I would have flipped the bowls for a cleaner look, but they simply didn’t fit well on the smaller boxes which is why I choose the way I did. I used glue dots to secure the bowls on to each box.
For some added flare, I bought a bunch of these Lego favor boxes from the Dollar Tree and just sparingly placed them on the tables. For smaller quantities, you can purchase them in packs of 4 at the Dollar Tree.
Dessert Table
For the dessert table, I always start by having a table cloth. Again, I typically keep it to theme. The other element I always add to the dessert table is a banner. I typically hang the banner around the table or above the table, if there is nothing on the wall behind the dessert table. There is a flag banner in the Lego Birthday Party section at the Dollar Tree, so I just picked up a couple of those.
The next important element every dessert table needs is a cake. I always have a themed cake with fun candles. I bought these fun Lego candles to add to the cake. My son loved them!
I also always have either cookies or cupcakes, or both, depending on the number of people. If I have cupcakes, I bring a cupcake tree and if I have cookies, I bring my Nora Fleming cookie platter.
I always have themed party favors. For this Lego birthday party, I chose to make my own favor tags and then I purchased the following items to put inside the little baggies, which I picked up at the Dollar Tree.
Lego Water Bottles– The Dollar Tree also carries these!
Color Brick Party Rubber Bracelets
I also added in some of the Lego favor boxes as well!
I always make sure to have a happy birthday banner and some balloons to tie everything together! Once again, the Dollar Tree came through and carried Lego balloons.
Lastly, I always make sure that the birthday boy or girl has a party outfit. In this case, I purchased this adorable Lego Raglan on Etsy.
This Lego birthday party was really fun and easy to plan. The cost was low given the centerpieces were basically just boxes, wrapping paper and some bowls. The kids had a blast and the birthday boy was very happy! 😊 Mission Accomplished!
For a list of things you need to purchase for this Lego Birthday Party, see the list below!
- themed tablecloths
- plates and napkins, cups and utensils
- this wrapping paper
- boxes
- Lego favor boxes
- Lego candles
- Cupcake tree
- Nora Fleming cookie platter
- Lego water bottles
- Lego Favor Tags
- Favor Bags
- Color Brick party rubber bracelets
- Lego pencils
- Lego lollipops
- Lego notepads
- Lego raglan
- Birthday banner
- balloons
- dessert table banner
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