I think this goes without saying and I’m sure everyone agrees that being a mom is the most beautiful and rewarding experience. I think we can also all agree that it is also the most challenging and difficult jobs and it is easy to get caught up trying to navigate through this thing called parenthood.
There is no guidebook to solve every question you have as a parent. You are just supposed to know it or use your best instincts. I have learned that while there are many things that you face on the daily, there are some easy things that you can focus on as a parent so that you can raise your children to be respectable human beings.
Below is a list of Life Lessons You Should Teach Your Child.
For a condensed list of life lessons you should teach your child, see the list at the end of the blog!
1. Not everyone is the same, and more importantly, it’s okay to be different and/or look different
I think it is important to teach kids very early on that not everyone is the same. Yes, when a young child asks the embarrassing question in front of the person, “mommy why is that person…?” You immediately go into panic mode and just try to move away from the situation. The thing is, it is innocent. It is innocent only when the child is either too young to understand or has not been explained that not everyone is the same.
I have taught my kids early on in life that not everyone is the same. There are many colors in a box of crayons and that is what makes the box of crayons interesting just the same as different people make this world a beautiful place. I explain to them that there are some that may look different from others, maybe they are a different color, maybe they have special needs, maybe they do not talk the same, maybe they have reactions or actions that may seem different, BUT… they are just like everyone else. Every person is made with the same recipe just different ingredients. They have feelings, emotions, needs, desires, goals and dreams.
It is so incredibly important to make your children understand that they will see things in life that may seem out of their norm but not to view the people as any different from them. Teach them to treat everyone the same no matter the circumstance. They deserve the same respect. Everyone needs the same basics things in life and wants to be treated the same.
2. How to behave in someone’s home
My daughter is getting to the age where she is going to be going on play dates “without” me being there. I feel like this happens quite young or at least in my eyes. It is so important to teach your children basic rules when they are in someone else’s home. I always teach my kids to take their shoes off first and foremost, when they enter into someone’s home. Food is only eaten in the kitchen. No bringing food in other areas of their home. There is no feet on any furniture in the house. Period. No running around inside someone’s home, and absolutely no screaming. Always say “please” when asking for something and “thank you” when receiving something. Any mess that is made, is to be cleaned up.
3. Sometimes you win and sometimes you loose
I think it is important to teach children that they will win in life and they will lose. It is very simple. I want my kids to understand that if they lose, then they need to work harder to win. There should not be a reward for loosing. I want them very much to earn their right to win. When losing, it is okay to be upset. Naturally. But they are to put on a brave face, shake the other team’s hand and keep their emotions to themselves until they are away from the situation.
This is very difficult for kids to understand and it is most kid’s natural reaction to be upset. I completely understand, but I do not think it hurts explaining good sportsmanship and teaching them that it is okay to lose. In most situations in life, you will fail before you succeed. The same goes with sports. Children need to understand that when losing, they need to work harder to win, not be rewarded for trying.
In life in general, most times you fail before you succeed, but it is important to look at your failures as a learning tool that will allow you to improve or better yourself. In the real world, people do not get paid/rewarded when they fail. They get paid/rewarded when they learn from their mistakes and succeed.
4. Table manners
Table manners are very easy to teach and I feel they go along way. Kids are always eating…or at least mine are. I literally have specific hours throughout the day where I tell my kids that the “kitchen is closed,” because otherwise they would be in it all day. With that said, they are at the table three times a day for each meal and then twice for snacks so I literally reiterate the table manners EVERY time they are at the table.
A few tips at the table include teaching them to pray over their food before beginning to eat. They are to chew with their mouth closed, which will also teach them not to talk with food in their mouth. The obvious, if they burp, ALWAYS say excuse me, but try not to do it at all. I always make sure that my kids ask to be excused from the table when they are done. If I say yes, they are to walk their plate to the garbage and put their plate and utensils in the sink.
5. How to behave around other children
I always encourage my kids to play with everyone. Naturally kids tend to gravitate towards other children of “like” interests. It’s okay to have a best friend(s) but ALWAYS include everyone and be nice to everyone. I am a firm believer of “the more the merrier” and keeping your child with one “best friend” could end up detrimental.
6. The simple “please” and “thank you” rule
This is one of the other life lessons you should teach your child. Sure, it’s easy to teach your children to say “please” and “thank you” when they ask and receive but it is also very important to teach them to say “thank you” when someone compliments them. I cant tell you how many times I have complimented a child and they just walk away. It never sits right with me. Also, if someone does something for you, like opening a door for you, say “thank you!”
7. The idea of being respectful to adults
This is definitely a different generation and I am finding it rare that a younger child calls me Mrs. followed by my last name. This was a given back then, but I feel as though that has been lost. Granted, I am not the formal type so I am okay with being called by my first name but I always make sure that my kids address adults as Ms. followed by their first or last name. I will often times ask parents how they prefer to be called as well.
8. Always tell the truth
I cannot tell you how many times my kids have told me a lie and said they were too scared to tell me; therefore, I always reiterate that I would rather them tell me the truth, than lie. I will always listen to the truth but I will not tolerate a lie.
9. Not everyone in this world is kind
Make sure that they are aware of the situations that can happen and make sure they understand that not everyone is kind and there are bad people in the world (unfortunately). This may frighten a child but they do need to be aware of situations that happen in life.
10. Be kind to everyone
This goes without saying, but kid’s need to be reminded of this often. Treat others the way your want to be treated.
The idea is that there are many things that we need to teach our children and they either will or will not listen. The goal is to keep reiterating these top 10 rules over and over. Do not give up. They will eventually stick. My children are still not perfect and do not follow most of the rules, but I will continue to teach them over and over again until it becomes second nature for them. Be a parent first and a friend second. I don’t know about you, but I want to be around respectable adults as they grow and it starts now.
For more parenting tips, check out my “Parenting Tips” section of my blog!
For a list of life lessons that you should teach your child, see this list!
1. Not everyone is the same, and more importantly, its okay to be different and/or look different
2. How to behave in someone’s home
3. Sometimes you win and sometimes you loose
4. Table manners
5. How to behave around other children
6. The simple “please” and “thank you” rule
7. The idea of being respectful to adults
8. Always tell the truth
9. Not everyone in this world is kind
10. Be kind to everyone (this has to be one of the most important life lessons you should teach your child)!
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