Everyone’s lives are busy in one way or another. It is very easy to quickly become overwhelmed and even forgetful. With three kids and two schools there are so many things to remember, so many activities and so many needs. If you are feeling like you are loosing control and just need to take a step back, check out these 10 steps you can take to reduce stress.
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To see a list of things you can do to reduce stress, see the list at the end of the blog!
1. Buy a Planner
Yes, purchase a paper planner. Our lives have gone digital in virtually every aspect and for mostly everything, I am on board. It wasn’t until a couple of years ago that I finally caved in and purchased a kindle. I loved the feeling of a paper book, the sound of the turning pages and the vision of progress as I completed each chapter. I fought the battle for long but now read off my kindle and absolutely LOVE it.
The one thing I can guarantee I will never forgo, is my planner. As mentioned in my blog, 12 Things You Can Do to Maintain Your Health, the planner provides detail that your digital calendar just won’t. Your watch or your phone are great back ups for your schedule, notifications and reminders, but the paper calendar allows you to see your whole month at a glance. My absolute favorite planner is by Erin Condren. I feel like a kid in a candy store with this planner because it comes with 4 sticker sheets; coloring, dot grid and notes pages; monthly quotes, a perpetual calendar, a snap-in bookmark, compliment cards and more. It is the very best planner and the first step to reduce stress in your life!
2. Make Lists
Need I say more? 🙂 Lists are an ABSOLUTE MUST if you want to reduce stress. I could not function without my lists. Lists serve as to-do’s and reminders for every aspect of my life. I never have to say, “remind me to…” or “I can’t forget to…” because I have my list. When something comes up that I need to remember, I add it to my list! Not only does every human, but every mom needs her lists. Let’s also not forget the satisfaction we have when crossing something off the list. Planners are great for events, but lists are great for EVERYTHING else that comes up in life! Can I say lists anymore in this paragraph? 🙂
3. Create a Budget
This is an absolute must, no matter how much money you make. The truth is, the more you make the more you spend, the more bills you have to pay and the higher your bills are. It is always a smart idea to figure out where your money is going. Most banks have apps that categorize all your spending habits so it is relatively easy to go online, figure out what bills you pay on a monthly basis and how much you are spending.
Once you assess how much you are spending, it is a good idea to figure out how and where you can cut back. Does your insurance company provide any incentives? Does your work? Sometimes being a member of an organization or company provides benefits that you many not be utilizing.
It is often eye opening when you realize how much you are spending in certain categories. There are ALWAYS ways to save, so take a close look and find some ways. Being in control of your finances will reduce your stress. For all subscribers, there is a monthly budget worksheet that is in the list library. Fill it in and get your finances in check!
4. Set Reminders
All digital calendars will give you notifications prior to appointments, meetings, activities, etc. so take advantage. This is what I prefer using my digital calendar for. Sure, I add my events because it works great for my husband (being techie) and me. He knows all of our activities, events and meetings because I set it up through our gmail calendar and invite him to everything. With that said however, I mostly use the calendar for daily reminders, i.e. pick up kids from school, drop them off at activities, go grocery shopping, etc. This way, I get a notification/reminder for everything in my day. It may sound silly but my kids schedules are all over the place and I often get caught up doing things, so the notifications are my life saver!
5. Always Add 15 Mins
This is a good rule of thumb whenever you need to be somewhere. I live by this rule and I am rarely EVER late. I always add 15 minutes wherever I need to go. That way there is room for temper tantrums, things forgotten, things missing, red lights , traffic, trains, weather, etc. The very few times I am late, I find myself stressed and upset when a light turns red, not to mention I seem to get EVERY red light when I am running late. Sound familiar? Reduce your stress and always add a 15 minute buffer when needing to be somewhere.
6. Maintain a Schedule
Maintain a schedule for yourself. At the end of every day, take a few minutes to look at your calendar and see what you have planned for the next day. Is there anything you need to prepare? Is there anything you forgot about? Go through time blocks and set a schedule for each day the night before.
7. Prioritize
Every parent wears multiple hats. There are plates spinning all over the place. There are days where not everything can get done. Understand that it is okay. Focus on the things that need to get done, that are time sensitive and important. Prioritize your list and check one thing off at a time.
8. Find Some “Me” Time
Now, I know some of you are saying, “Yeah right.” I completely understand. I have been there. The truth is, everyone can spare 30 minutes to 1 hour every day. It might mean you need to wake up an hour earlier, or go to bed an hour later, but find a moment, even if it is 15 minutes and meditate, relax, sip on a cup of coffee, or exercise! It is so beneficial for your health and will reduce stress.
9. Don’t Say Yes to Everything
I understand this is easier said than done. I admit, I struggle with this myself but know that it is OKAY to say no. Don’t feel the need to say yes to everything. Spread out your time and find balance. If you are constantly attending other’s events, you will loose quality time with your family. The key here is balance. I always try to make it a point to not schedule anything 1 day of the weekend. I reserve that for family time.
10. Exercise
I mention this a lot in many blog posts, but I cannot stress this enough. Exercising has not only reduced my stress, but it makes me feel GOOD. Everyday, I feel good. Even if you exercise for that feeling alone, that’s okay. The best part is, not only do you feel good, but it is so healthy for you and your body. It simply provides balance. With exercise you also get your “me” time which is so important.
Take care of yourself. Take care of your mind, your body, your family, your home and your life. You have one life to live, why not make it your best life!
For a list of things you can do to do reduce stress, see the list below!
- Buy a Planner
- Make lists
- Create a Budget
- Set reminders
- Always add 15 mins
- Set a schedule
- Prioritize
- Find some me time
- Don’t say yes to everything
- Exercise
For more lists on all things “mom,” subscribe to my blog!
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These are fantastic ways to reduce stress! I completely agree with you on using a planner. I just did a review of the Erin Condren LifePlanner and I’m really love it this year (it’s my first one)!
Yes, These are the best planners! They make me happy 🙂